Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Homemade Fabric Softener

It has been over a year since I started making my own fabric softener. It has saved me a TON of money. I know there are several versions, but I wanted the most basic, least amount of ingredients I could find.
I started making my own fabric softener because my youngest son Isaac was having sensitive skin issues. The laundry detergent is the first place to reduce the amount of chemicals your children come in physical contact with. My first instinct took me to my favorite place... Pinterest. I found a great recipe and have stuck with it!
This recipe makes about a bottle in a half. I just saved my old fabric softener, washed out the bottles, and used those. Maybe one day I will get all fancy, head to Hobby Lobby and pick a cool bottle. Until that day, I just use what I have.

Fabric Softener Recipe:
1 1/4 cups warm water
8 cups Vinegar
1 cup Baking Soda
**Optional** Several drops of essential oil (This is to give your fabric softener scent. You can use a little or a lot. I tend to use a lot because I love the scent that I have. I am currently using Jasmine Once this bottle is finished I will be moving to Lavender.)

Combine the warm water, vinegar, and essential oils in a large pail. Mix those ingredients. Slowly combine in the baking soda, Be sure to constantly stir the mixture as you add the Baking Soda. The large pail is essential for this part. The Baking Soda and Vinegar cause a chemical reaction. You will need plenty of room for this to bubble up.
Once everything is combine, use a funnel to pour into the bottles. No need to be a hero and try and pour it without the funnel. Trust me.. I tried.. It makes a mess.

This is HE washer safe. We have an HE washer, and I have not had any problems. I use about 1/4 cup per cycle. The original recipe recommends 1/2 cup to 1 cup. It is totally up to you and what your preference is.


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