Friday, November 21, 2014

How it all began.

My fitness journey began after I had two children, and had a wedding in a couple of months. Looking at my wedding dress, and dreading my wedding pictures was not what I wanted. I knew that I had to make a change to love what I saw in the mirror.
Lets be honest, I hadn't worked out consistently since swimming class in college. Before that, sophomore year of high school when I played 3 sports. Crazy to think about it that way! In college I packed on the pounds. I partied, ate, slept, and went to class. Working out??? Nahhhh. I had a social life to attend to. I was very conscious about wearing loose clothes, and things that would hide my love handles, thunder thighs, etc.. The only reason I didn't gain more weight is because I walked to and from class everyday. I tended to power walk to write that off as working out.
When I graduated I entered the professional setting. My clothes slowly got more and more tight. I would just retire them and buy new ones. I was doing laundry at least once a week because I only had a couple pairs of pants that I fit in! Did that get my butt in gear?? Nooooo.
When I found out I was pregnant with my first child Isaac, I immediately went out and bought maternity pants. They fit a little tight, but I told myself I could squeeze into them. As the months progressed, and the pants got more snug, I wore sundresses... Once I had Isaac, I lost most of the baby weight from breast feeding. I got lucky..
When I found out I was pregnant with our second baby, Henry, I knew I had to be a little more tame on the eating out, and greasy food. I didn't gain as much weight during pregnancy, but my clothes still were tight.
After I had Henry, our wedding was only a couple months away. My sister had just completed the 21 Day Fix, and I decided to give it a go. What did I have to lose?! I have to be honest, when I saw the price I got nervous. So Jason and I decided to take it one month at a time. We decided as a couple to do the program. If we did not get results, we would stop the Shakeology, and move on. It was an investment in ourselves, and we knew we had to start somewhere.
With the help of the online Challenge Group, we got a great start. We stuck to the workouts, followed the diet plan, and listened to our coach. We have now done the 21 Day Fix 3 times. Jason has lost 30 pounds, and I have lost 25.
I must say doing the program as a couple truly helped us both excel. We were able to eat the same things, and make it work for us.
This is where my fitness journey began. Here's to a lifetime of making it work!
My Results Photos
My Fitness Programs

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