Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Prosciutto Wrapped Asparagus
I served these on Christmas, and I had more than my fair share. They were so good, I totally spaced on taking pictures of ALL the food we ate on Christmas... I remembered to snap some photos when we had packed everything away. Shoot! Well at least we had some leftovers to take pictures of!
This picture doesn't doe these babies justice. Jason cut them in half to fit them in the container. I served them whole. Here are the simple instructions or find them on my Pinterest:
Prosciutto Wrapped Asparagus:
2 packages of Prosciutto
1 bushel of Asparagus
1 tbsp of Coconut Oil
I washed and cut the bottoms off of the asparagus. I cut each of the pieces of prosciutto in half. From there I place the prosciutto at and angle and roll it onto the asparagus. I started at one of the corners, and wrap it tightly.
I cooked everything in a cast-iron pan with about 1 tsp of coconut oil. They only cook for about 2-3 minutes. Once you see the prosciutto start to brown they are done. We of course did a taste test before we served them to make sure they were edible. :-)
I served them immediately after they were cooked. Delicious!
-Motivated Mommy Clayton
You can always find me on my Beachbody website.
Monday, December 29, 2014
Homemade Laundry Detergent!!
I am slowly eliminating most of the unneeded chemicals in our lives, and working towards buying locally. I strive to support local businesses, and to keep the money within our community. The more you buy local, and support organic produce, the lower the cost will be in the future. Even if you are only able to buy a couple bananas, it is a start.

They turned out super cute! I just added a ribbon to the mason jars, and Wa-lah!
Sometimes the best gifts are homemade! It is something I know that they will use.
Here is the super quick and EASY recipe! I'm not kidding when I say this takes me less than 20 minutes to make. The longest part of the process is pouring it into containers.
Homemade Laundry Detergent Process:
What you need:
1/3 of a bar of Fels-Naptha soap
1/2 cup of Borax
1/2 cup of Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda
1 large 2 gallon bucket
Empty laundry detergent buckets, or a container to store your final product in
**Optional** Essential Oils
1. In a pot, boil 1/3 of a grated Fels-Naptha soap bar and 6 cups of water over medium high heat. If you heat it to fast, it will get very sudsy.
2. Once the soap is dissolved, add the Borax and Washing Soda to the pot. Stir ingredients until everything is dissolved.
3. Remove pot from heat, and let cool.
4. Pour 4 cups of water into the large bucket and add soap mixture. Stir.
5. Add 22 cups (1 gallon + 6 cups) of water to the mixture. Stir.
6. If you would like to add essential oils, this would be where you would do that. I would add 5-10 drops. I enjoy the scent of the Fels-Naptha so I do not add any oil. I add oils to my homemade fabric softener instead.
7. Add the mixture to your containers.
I generally use a cap full when doing laundry. It is totally up to you how much you feel you need. I would say 2 tablespoons tops.
Make sure to shake your container before using. It tends to get a little thick. I try not to fill my containers to full, so that I have room to shake the mixture when I use it.
-Motivated Mommy Clayton
You can always find me at my Beachbody website!
Sunday, December 28, 2014
5 Ingredient Fruit Salsa
I decided this year to have everyone over to our house and change it up. I cleaned up all of our dishes and made them diet friendly, without sacrificing the flavor. This is a preview post of what is to come in the next couple of weeks!
5 Ingredient Fruit Salsa:
2 diced Pears
1 seeded Pomegranate
1/2 cup chopped Cilantro
1/4 of a Red Onion
1 juiced lime
Combine all ingredients and indulge! I ate them with chips, but you can put them on salad, or eat it with pita chips.
-Motivated Mommy Clayton
You can always find me at my Beachbody website!
Monday, December 22, 2014
Sun Dried Tomato Basil Quinoa Burgers
On that note, Isaac will eat them. And... It's more for me!
You can mix these up any way your heart desires. I am a huge fan of the sun dried tomato basil combo. I have done broccoli cheese, but always come back to this. Maybe next time I will attempt mushroom and swiss.. I'm getting hungry..
Sun Dried Tomato Basil Quinoa Burgers:
1 cup uncooked Quinoa (I followed the instructions on the packet)
3/4 cup cheese (I use a mozzarella and cheddar blend)
1/2 cup sun dried tomatoes (I used the whole container I bought from Copp's. The second time I used a bag I found at Woodman's)
2 eggs
3 tbsps Whole Wheat Flour
8 large leaves Basil (I really just eye this, and add the amount I think will be to my preference)
2 tbsps Coconut Oil
Once you have your quinoa cooked, let it cool. Once it is cool, add all ingredients together (NOT the coconut oil). If I find that my mixture is to soupy, I add a little more flour. Last time I didn't strain the quinoa very well, and had to double the flour.
Once all your ingredients are combined get out a cookie sheet, and line with parchment paper.
Form the mixture into patties. I liked smaller patties, and got about 6 out of this batch.
If you have time put them in the refrigerator for an hour or so. If it is any longer, make sure to cover them. I found that cooking them when they have had time to combine is a lot less messy.
When you are ready to cook them heat the coconut oil in a skillet. Cook the patties on each side for 2-3 minutes, or until lightly golden.
If the patties are to thick you will need to finish cooking them in the oven. I did this once.. I put them in the oven at 350 for about 30 minutes.. It was a sad day waiting for these.
Keeping them smaller and thin will allow you to eat them right away.
Once they are done cooking, let them cool and chow down! If I need a little zip, I will top them with a little balsamic. So gosh darn good!!
-Motivated Mommy Clayton
You can always find me at my Beachbody website!
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Jeans Journey Justice
This is exactly how I felt after having both babies. After Isaac I just continued to squeeze into my maternity jeans. And those were small! When I got pregnant with Henry I moved up to maxi dresses. Nothing else fit! I was so depressed! I figured I would grin and bare it till after I had Henry.
You know when you are so far past where you want to be you dont even know where to begin? That is how I felt. I kept pinning workouts and good food.... And continued to eat out. I was cramming in as much crap as I could before I had Henry.
Once I was cleared by the doctor to exercise, I started the 21 Day Fix. I was determined to make it work. After one round I was amazed. I saw results, and was ready to attack another round.
The 21 Day Fix and Shakeology are the reason I am where I'm at.
It is worth every penny!
-Motivated Mommy Clayton
You can always find me on my website!
Shoot for the moon. If you don't make it to the moon you will land among the stars.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Workout High? Please... More Like Wiped Out!
Runners high? Workout high? Endorphin overload? No matter which way you say it... I don't get it! Never have I ever felt super pumped after a workout.
Dead as a door nail. Pooped. Wiped out. Down for the count. Now those terms I can relate to! When I finish a workout I am ready for bed! I get my sweat on right after I put the kiddos to bed, and you best believe Mommy is headed to bed after she burns her calories. Can you relate?
When I miss a work out, the next day I am dragging! And I am talking blood shot eyes, hands dragging on the ground like a caveman, let me drink my Shakeology before we speak... It's pretty pitiful. Not only is it hard for me to get going during the day, but I find it hard to wake up!
Lets be real, I LOVE how I feel from working out, but some nights Momma needs a glass of wine, followed by her big, fluffy pillow. I pay for it the next day, but in that moment it feels like heaven.
We are all human and get a get out of jail free card, but there is a price to pay when you miss your workout. I feel so energized the next day! It is truly a great feeling to sail through the day with energy and a smile on my face.
I have never felt like I am right where I belong. I finally feel like I am exactly where I should be. I love my amazing Husband and kiddos. I love coaching Beachbody. I love working at Theda Clark. I love my life. I am grateful each and everyday for all of the blessings in my life.
Enjoy your week! Smile!
Shoot for the moon. If you don't make it to the moon at least you will land among the stars.
-Motivated Mommy Clayton
You can always find me at my Beachbody site. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me with any questions!!
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Pumpkin Delight Cottage Cheese
It isn't always easy to stick to a diet, unless you have a reason to! I like to keep my 21 Day Fix or my PIYO diet fun, and delicious. That is what keeps me in line.
I am an avid snacker. I eat small snacks every couple of hours throughout the day, instead of three large meals. When I do smaller snacks it keeps me on track, and keeps up my metabolism. It also feels like I am eating more, when I'm not.
This delicious snack is a new discovery. I used what I had in my cabinet, and BOOM! My tongue is still thanking me for this one.
I love love love pie! I made my first Pumpkin Pie from scratch this year, and it turned out pretty good! With that being said, this has much more nutritional value!
Here is the amazing recipe!
Pumpkin Delight Cottage Cheese
1/2 cup Cottage Cheese
2 tbsp Pecans or nut of your choice
1/2 tsp Pumpkin Pie Spice
Small drizzling of honey on top
Oh man! Prepare your senses for this one! It's a real hit!
-Motivated Mommy Clayton
You can always find me on my Beachbody website. Please don't hesitate to ask me for more information!!
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Now That's What I Call High Quality H2O!
Did you know the fastest way to shed a couple of pounds is to increase your water consumption? There is no easy answer to 'How Much Water Should I Drink a Day?'. When I am exercising and active I strive to drink half of my body weight in ounces per day. Since I am currently breastfeeding, I double that. With my challenge groups I challenge them to drink 100 ounces a day!
Feeling Fine with Lemon and Lime
Minty Cucumber Lime
Strawberry-Lemon with Basil
Watermelon Mint
What is your favorite blend?
You can always find me on my Beachbody page.
Always shoot for the moon! If you don't make it to the moon, at least you will land among the stars!
-Motivated Mommy Clayton-
Monday, December 8, 2014
The Art of the Splinter Family Candy Cane
In the past we have always made Candy Canes, Peanut Brittle, and Anise. We have also made caramels, toffee, chocolate covered peanuts, and many more! This weekend we made my grandparents proud by making Candy Canes, Peanut Brittle, Cashew Brittle, and Anise. Every last batch turned out absolutely delicious. Is your mouth watering yet??
We had a couple of visitors along the way.
Thanks for stopping by Melissa and Stacy!
Lets get in to the sugary details! We will just be looking into Candy Canes today. It all starts with glucose... Baking it to a specific temperature, adding a couple more ingredients... And then the fun starts!!
Once everything is cooked, you pour it on to the marble, let is settle for a short period of time, and then it is time to work it. Work it good. Work it right!
First you have to get everything worked into a pile. Once it is into a pile, you have to break out a small portion to add color to. The rest gets 'pulled' on the pole to aerate it. This is what turns the mixture white. While it is being pulled we pour flavoring over it to give it taste. This batch was peppermint. Sinuses... Instantly cleared!
The rest of the batch gets color added.
This little guy got some red added. This HOT HOT HOT portion is worked till the color is completely worked in. Keep in mind it cools off very quickly. Quick hands make the best candy.
Lets move on the more HOT details!
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Crock Pot Shredded Chicken Tacos
Can you dig a meal that is easy, brainless, and waistline friendly? I know I can! It's a dump and dash meal.
Lets go over how to create another winner, winner, chicken dinner!!
Crock Pot Shredded Chicken Tacos:
2 lbs Chicken Breasts
2 heaping tbsps Taco Seasoning (you can easily make your own)
4 Tomatoes
1/4 cup cilantro
1-2 cups mushrooms
Optional Ingredients:
1 yellow pepper
1 red pepper
1/2 onion
Chop up the tomatoes and mushrooms. Thaw out the chicken. Turn on the Crock Pot. Toss everything in. Go about your day. Let cook on high for 2-3 hours, or on low for 7 hours. Once the chicken is cooked through and tender, shred, and eat!
Boom. Mom of the year award goes to you!
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
BBQ Pulled Pork Stuffed Sweet Potatoes
Well it was a sad day in our household tonight. I didn't get the pork into the slow cooker until 4pm.. Needless to say we had eggs for dinner, and this wonderful food will be lunch tomorrow. I am a true chef, and had plenty of taste tests while cooking this one.
This is a great balance of protein and carbs. It is a lower calorie food without sacraficing flavor. I did have to slap Jason's hand a couple of times to make sure we had plenty for lunch tomorrow. Isaac did get a taste test as well, and had a bowl full! Husband and kiddo approved!!
Since I did not get this done in time for dinner the 'stuffed' portion of the recipe is a little modified.. Oh well!
You need realistic recipes that keep you on track, and make you feel like you are cheating. This is the perfect recipe to do that! Here it is!!
3 medium Sweet Potatoes
2 pounds Pork Roast
1 can Beef Broth
1/2 tsp Chili Powder
1/2 tsp Ground Cumin
1/2 tsp Salt
1/2 tsp Pepper
1/2 tsp Garlic Powder
1 cup BBQ sauce (I used Sweet Baby Ray's)
1/4 cup Apple Cider Vinegar
1 tbsp Brown Sugar
1 tsp Worcestershire Sauce
Start by combining your Chili Powder, Ground Cumin, Salt, Pepper, and Garlic Powder. Once this is combined, put your beef broth in the Crock Pot. Cover the meat in the mixture, and put it in the Crock Pot. If you would like more rub, you can add any spices you would like. I added more Chili Powder.
Let that cook on low for 8 hours, or high for 4 hours. It is best to cook it low and slow. This breaks down the meat, and makes it easy to shred.
When there is about 40 minutes left to cook the meat, preheat your oven to 400 and start the sweet potatoes. I quartered them, and placed them on a baking sheet lined with aluminum foil. I placed them on the cooking sheet and put them in the oven when it was fully preheated. Turn the potatoes after 20 minutes.
When the meat is done, shred all of the meat, and drain the juices.
Combine the Worcestershire Sauce, Brown Sugar, BBQ sauce, and Apple Cider Vinegar in a bowl. Combine meat and sauce.
When everything is done you can serve the sweet potatoes and top them with the meat.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Homemade Fabric Softener
I started making my own fabric softener because my youngest son Isaac was having sensitive skin issues. The laundry detergent is the first place to reduce the amount of chemicals your children come in physical contact with. My first instinct took me to my favorite place... Pinterest. I found a great recipe and have stuck with it!
This recipe makes about a bottle in a half. I just saved my old fabric softener, washed out the bottles, and used those. Maybe one day I will get all fancy, head to Hobby Lobby and pick a cool bottle. Until that day, I just use what I have.
Fabric Softener Recipe:
1 1/4 cups warm water
8 cups Vinegar
1 cup Baking Soda
**Optional** Several drops of essential oil (This is to give your fabric softener scent. You can use a little or a lot. I tend to use a lot because I love the scent that I have. I am currently using Jasmine Once this bottle is finished I will be moving to Lavender.)
Combine the warm water, vinegar, and essential oils in a large pail. Mix those ingredients. Slowly combine in the baking soda, Be sure to constantly stir the mixture as you add the Baking Soda. The large pail is essential for this part. The Baking Soda and Vinegar cause a chemical reaction. You will need plenty of room for this to bubble up.
Once everything is combine, use a funnel to pour into the bottles. No need to be a hero and try and pour it without the funnel. Trust me.. I tried.. It makes a mess.
This is HE washer safe. We have an HE washer, and I have not had any problems. I use about 1/4 cup per cycle. The original recipe recommends 1/2 cup to 1 cup. It is totally up to you and what your preference is.