
Saturday, January 31, 2015

Magnetic Pipe Cleaners!

It was time to mix it up with the kiddos and make some new low cost activities. The one was under $2! We had most of the materials we needed at home. A quick trip to Joanne Fabrics was all it took to complete this project! 

What you will need: 
Pipe Cleaners. I used about 14. 

Cut your pipe cleaners in to small pieces. In the picture above, I ended up taking them out and cutting them in half. When the pieces are small, they are easier to attract to the magnet.
If you look at the top picture, those worked a lot better!
Isaac was amazed! Although he may be a little young for this one, he was pretty excited about shaking the container! It makes noise too! Whatever keeps the kiddos happy! 

We did glue the container closed with glue. If you have hot glue, that would work best. 


Motivated Mommy Clayton

You can always find me at my Beachbody website.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Pillow Pond!

Isaac woke up this morning, and was ready to go! He was full of energy, and had no signs of wanting to take a nap. He was jumping on the couch, and throwing himself on the blankets. Instead of encouraging the couch jumping, I ran throughout the house, gathered all the pillows, and made a huge pile in the living room... And Wa-Lah! Pillow Pond!! 
Above is the progression of how it went. Pillows. Enjoyment. Tiring out. Pooped!

I would highly recommend this activity at home with your kiddos. 


Motivated Mommy Clayton

You can always find me at my Beachbody website! 

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Homemade Paleo Applesauce

 Did you know that applesauce is super easy to make?? I didn't! 
Our family came down with norovirus, and we stuck to the BRAT diet.. We had a fair amount of toast with my Aunt Jenny's homemade apple butter on it. We quickly ran out, so I text my Aunt Jenny for her apple butter recipe. It was then that I found out how easy it is to make applesauce! It does get a little tricky when the kids are tired, and you just want finish peeling and cutting your apples... Minor details. All in a days work! 
Once everything was peeled and cut, it was smooth sailing! I would HIGHLY recommend this recipe. It is simply to easy not to. Why purchase chemicals, additives, and fillers when you can simply make it on your own?! 

Here is what you will need:
Organic Apples (as many or as few as your heart desires) - I used 14
A Mill or a Masher
I could get technical and say a knife, cutting board, peeler, a pot.. :-) 

Peel, core, and cut apples.
Put in pot like the photo below.  

Cook the apples on the low until they are tender. I cooked them on low for almost 2 hours covered. I would check on them and stir them every so often. 
Once they are tender, and cooked to your liking, mash them up. 

If you are looking for a very smooth consistency, just throw them in the food processor. 
When you have the consistency you would like, eat baby! 

It is just that easy!! You are welcome to add anything your heart desires from there! I like to keep it simple. 


-Motivated Mommy Clayton-

You can always find me at my Beachbody website!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Portobello Mushroom Pizzas

Did you know that two large portobello mushrooms are only a couple bucks at your local grocery store?? I didn't! This makes for a cheap and easy dinner! I literally had everything else I needed at home. I did a couple different varieties to see how they turned out, and I got lucky! I loved one, and Jason loved the other. 
My friends, these were as easy as loading them up, and throwing them in the oven. Simple, simple, simple. That is how we roll in my household. 

What you will need:
2-4 Portobello Mushrooms
Toppings of your choice

What I used on Pizza:
Marinara Sauce
Ham Cubes

What I used on Mexican Pizza:
Refried Beans
Green Peppers

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place aluminum foil on baking sheet. 
Scrape off underside of Portobello Mushrooms, and wash off once scraped. Make sure to remove the stem. 
Once you have cleaned it out to your liking, top with all toppings but cheese. Make sure that you don't overdo it. The mushrooms do tend to put out a little bit of water. 
Bake for 25 minutes. I took them out around 20 minutes and soaked up the water with a paper towel. 
When there was about 5 minutes left, I topped each of the mushrooms with cheese. 
Once the mushroom starts to sink in to the aluminum foil, it is ready to eat! 

We ate them in bowls, and loved them! 


-Motivated Mommy Clayton

You can always find me at my Beachbody website. 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Crock Pot Strawberry Banana Raisin Steel Cut Oats

I decided to mix it up and try a totally new recipe. I wanted steel cut oats for our lunches this week, but wanted to try something different. I previously made Apple Cinnamon Steel Cut Oats. 
My original thoughts were for something a little different, but we were out of blueberries. Shoot!
Even though I didn't make what I originally intended this turned out just fine. 

What you will need:
1 1/2 cups Steel Cut Oats 
3 cups Almond Milk
1 cup water
1/4 cup Raisins
1 whole Banana
6 Strawberries 


First measure out and add the steel cut oats to your crock pot. 

Next, cut up your strawberries and banana, and add them to the crock pot. You can cut them as small or as large as you prefer. I like the chunks, so I kept them a reasonable size. 

After you have added your fruit, you will add your almond milk and raisins. I gave it a quick stir, set it on high, and walked away! 

I let this cook on high for 3 hours. I checked on it every 30 minutes to give it a stir. The last hour I checked every 15 minutes to make sure it didn't stick to the sides. 

When it was done, I put it in my individual Pyrex containers for the week!!


-Motivated Mommy Clayton

You can always find me at my Beachbody website!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

How Life Has Changed For The Better... By Becoming A Beachbody Coach!

Have you heard?? I have done 3 full rounds of 21 Day Fix with Shakeology, and am in the middle of my 4th round. Not only do I feel amazing, but I am swimming in my old clothes. Honestly, I have packed up my maternity clothes. I put all of my undergarments in the maternity pile, because they fall off! I have retired all of my jeans. I donated almost half of my wardrobe to Goodwill.... People! It all started with a decision. 

My decision to go for it, and lose weight was personal. You cannot start a program until you are ready and totally committed. If you are not totally committed, you are not going to succeed. I can help you, but I can't make you do anything. I can get you results, if you are committed. 
The one thing I never ever vowed to do is use my kids as an excuse. Honestly, they are my motivation. I love being able to chase them around, and make a difference in their life. Keeping everything positive has made a huge difference in my life. I try to keep a smile on my face, and I notice that my children smile all the time! They are a product of the product. 

When I decided to plunge into the weight loss journey, I knew I would need to be help accountable to stick to it. I told my sister that I needed to be a coach. I needed to have others watch my journey so that I stuck to it. I was nervous. I was vulnerable. I was ready to pee my pants I was so nervous! 
I was so nervous that I wouldn't get any results, that I stuck to the program right down to the letter. I may or may not have used the modifier most of the first round, but I was soooo sore I didn't want to get hurt. 
When I finished the first round I could see the changes in the mirror. My clothes were a little loose, but I knew it was only the beginning. After the second round, I knew this was worth every penny. 
When I got married, I was falling out of my dress. It was HUGE! I was swimming in it! By the reception, my mother literally sewed me in it to keep it up. Never in a million years did I think I would be at a point where I was not pertruding out of my dress with rolls and skin falling out. 

Coaching has made the difference in my life. It has given us extra money, flexibility, and has given me the opportunity to help others in their weight loss journey. Hearing peoples small victories never ever gets old. Ever! 
As my business has grown, I have never forgotten how I felt that first week of the 21 Day Fix. It gets better. It's worth it. Keep fighting and smile. You are beautiful! 

-Motivated Mommy Clayton-

You can always find me at my Beachbody website. 

Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolate Bark!

I had a hankering for chocolate, and I didn't want to kill my diet. Well my friends, I didn't even dent my diet! Everything I ate was 21 Day Fix approved! Love it! You know what's even better?? These were quick and easy. I was able to make these while the kiddos were playing. Gotta love fast and tasty.
You can make them as large or as small as you would like. You can add or subtract whatever your heart desires. The ingredients I added are what I had in my pantry. I didn't use exact measurements, I just made it work. 
I wanted to make enough to bring in to work, so I made two batches!! 

Here is the recipe for my chocolate bark:

1 cup chocolate of your choosing 
1/4 cup of nuts (I used pecans and almonds)
1/4 cup of berries (I used raisins and dried cranberries)

In a double boiler boil water in the lower pot, I tempered the chocolate until it melted. Constantly stir the chocolate so that it doesn't burn to the pan. Once the chocolate was melted, I added my nuts and berries. Once everything was combined I took the double boiler over to the parchment paper. Use a spoon to create small bite size clusters. 
Let these cool for at least an hour. Once they have hardened you are able to pop them in! 

-Motivated Mommy Clayton

You can always find me on my Beachbody website!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Homemade Dryer Sheets

Back to the laundry we go! I stopped buying dryer sheets a long time ago. I have been using wool balls that reduce dryer time, and adding essential oils to them. I decided it was time to mix it up! These bad boys are so easy to make, very very inexpensive, and they are reusable! Money in the bank!

The recipes that I found used store bought fabric softener. Head on over here to see my homemade fabric softener recipe. Use what you got, and do what is going to make your nose happy.

4 Sponges
1 cup Fabric Softener
2 Cups Water

Cut all of the sponges in half. I found mine at Target on clearance for $.50 a piece. They are Christmas Trees and they are adorable!
Put your ingredients in a container and let them soak!
When you are ready to use them, let them drip off. Toss them in the dryer. When you are done with them put them back in your container.

Boom! You are a winner!!


-Motivated Mommy Clayton

You can always find me on my Beachbody website!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

For the Love.. Of Family, Friends, and Wine..

Jason and I snuck away to Door Peninsula Winery last week. Let me tell you, to a wine lover like me it is heaven! Free samples.. Free samples.. FREE SAMPLES! People! It was amazing! I have been there several times, and act like a kid in candy store every time I go. It's like I have never tried each one of the wines before. It is all new and amazing. 
Not only is it a beautiful winery, but they support other local businesses. They also have local olive oils, balsamics, fudge, salsa, jams, and so much more! 

Oh for the love Mom!

I know, I know.. Now lets get this straight, I only have a glass once or twice a week. The minute the kids are asleep, I get my workout in, and I am updated with my current challenge groups, you best believe that pillow is literally screaming at me. If I am awake enough to have a glass of wine.. I squeeze it in before I am off to bed. 

Yay! My Mommy is way to be busy to stay up late like a college student. I just wake her up at odd hours to talk to her about my dreams, how much I love her, and how I want to get to crawling so I can keep up with my brother. 

Before I had children, which is only 19 months ago... Well plus 9 months that I was pregnant.. I was a wine lover. We couldn't keep our cabinet stocked. When I got pregnant, our cabinet slowly started to grow. It was amazing! 
When we go to Door Peninsula Winery we always get a case... It used to only last a couple of months. With our current trend I am thinking it may last longer. 

Yayyyy!!! It is a happy day! 
We don't get away from the kids as a couple very often. When we do we are almost at a loss of what to do without the kids. I found myself constantly checking my phone to make sure we weren't late to get back to pick up the kids. I love that being a mother is so normal. Wild, and busy, but normal. 

Don't worry Mom, I got the laundry covered. 
No matter how big or small your family is, it is always nice to have a little time with your spouse. I love that Jason and I could spend the day together. I also love that my kids are my world. 
Our household isn't perfect, but we are surrounded by love, support, and happiness. I couldn't ask for more! 

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Mayo Free Egg Salad

Don't ask me why, but I had a hankering for some egg salad. I knew that if I threw mayo in, it would make my stomach churn. So I went to my favorite place... Pinterest and found a recipe!
I have truly been conscious about what I am eating. When I first started the 21 Day Fix, I cleaned up everything! Ever since I cleaned up everything, I have to watch what I eat. If I am not careful about what I eat I get sick!
It has truly made a difference in my everyday energy level, and overall image of myself.

This recipe follows my mentality of a quick easy meal. Although pealing eggs wasn't quick, the rest of it sure was!

Mayo Free Egg Salad:

12 boiled organic eggs
3 celery stalks
4 tbsp olive oil
4 tbsps mustard (I used dill mustard)
Dash of cayenne pepper
Dash of salt
Dash of pepper

I simply chopped up the eggs, added the celery, and all other ingredients to my bowl. I mixed it all up, and wa-lah!
I really liked the little bit of cayenne pepper in there. It gives it a little zip without drowning the other flavors. Absolutely delicious!


You can always find me on my Beachbody page!

DIY Vanilla Extract

Have you ever wondered how easy it is to make vanilla extract?? Wonder no more! It took me a whole 10 minutes to make. Seriously! The hardest part is waiting for it to be ready.
I drink Shakeology everyday, and I usually put almond extract in my Chocolate shakes. That adds up quickly! I decided to see if there was a difference between store bought vanilla extract and if I made my own..
I should preface this with.. I bought vanilla beans from Penzey's spices. They weren't cheap... I'm sure that you can find something a little less expensive in different locations. I wanted to start with the best!

This is the beginning of a extract quest. I will be attempting almond and raspberry next. After than, I am thinking about orange and mint. We will see! I will keep you posted.

Vanilla Extract:

What you will need:
8 ounce container (I just used a Mason Jar that I had)
8 ounces of your desired type of Vodka (We had Pinnacle in the liquor cabinet.. One less thing to buy.. )
3 Vanilla Beans

Cut the vanilla beans in half. Then cut them down the middle so the bean is open. Place all 12 of the cut beans in the jar. Pour the 8 ounces of Vodka over the top.
Let the container sit for 12 weeks before using.

I just made mine. I will let you know how it turns out in 12 weeks!!


-Motivated Mommy Clayton

You can always find me on my Beachbody website!

Brown Sugar Balsamic Crock Pot Chicken

If you haven't noticed, I may or may not love my Crock Pot. I use it more often than I wish to admit. The sheer convenience of it is perfect when you are a busy person. There is nothing better than the throw and go method. This recipe is exactly that. This is the second time I made this recipe. The first go around I didn't have the correct ingredients, and it didn't turn out. This time around I made a couple modifications and it turned out to be a BIG hit!
We had a couple friends over. Jason had just gotten back from fishing all day with Brian. Martha and I had been hanging out with the kiddos, and we were ready for some flavorful food to fill our bellies! This sure hit the spot. Not only is this husband and kiddo approved, but it is also guest approved!

This is simply delicious, and has very few ingredients. It has the bold flavor that doesn't have the large calorie count.

Brown Sugar Balsamic Crock Pot Chicken

What you will need:
1/8 cup water
1/4 cup balsamic (I used Mango Balsamic from Fat Louie's in Door County)
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 tbsp corn starch/arrowroot powder
1 tsp mustard
1 tsp minced onion
1 tsp garlic powder
4-5 boneless, skinless thawed chicken breasts

Mix everything but the chicken together in the Crock Pot. Once everything is mixed add the chicken. Coat it with the liquid ingredients. Cook on high for 2-3 hours, or cook on low for 5-6.
Shortly before I served it I shredded the chicken. It is totally up to you if you prefer it to be shredded.
I had to quickly set some aside so that I had a container to take to work on Monday! Isaac had two bowls full.
Some of our guests added salsa or guacamole to this to spice it up!


-Motivated Mommy Clayton

You can always find me on my Beachbody website!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Vegan and Gluten Free Pecan Pie Bars

I decided to go back to the basics... Vegan and Gluten Free! I followed the recipe as close as I could but made a few modifications. They still turned out pretty well. They are not the overly sweet dessert that you would expect. They were subtle enough to make you want something to drink, but they were sweet enough to make you feel satisfied. For me they were the perfect topper after dinner. I didn't feel weighed down after eating them.
Don't get me wrong I love me my sweets, but sometimes it is nice to mix it up with something a little less sugar, and a little less overwhelming.

These were a pleasant surprise. I hope you enjoy baking them. They were very easy, and were not at all complicated to prepare.

Pecan Pie Bars:

What you will need for the crust:
2 cups almond flour
4 tbsp melted coconut oil
2 tbsp grapeseed oil
2 tbsp honey (I get mine at our local farmers market)
dash of salt

What you will need for the topping:
1 3/4 cup chopped pecans
1/3 maple syrup
2 tbsp honey
1/4 cup coconut oil
1 tbsp vanilla extract
1 tbsp flaxseed meal (I just used flaxseed that I had)
1/2 tsp tapioca starch
2 tbsps almond milk (or whatever milk you have)
Dash of salt

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Use an 8" x 8" baking pan. Either line with parchment paper, or coat pan with cooking spray. I used parchment paper, and it was nice to just pull it right out.
Mix all of the crust ingredients in a bowl until combined. Pat in to the pan, and even it out.
Once everything is evenly spread, bake for 15-20 minutes or until the crust starts to turn brown.
Once it is done, pull out of the oven and let it cool.

While the crust is cooking and cooling you can prepare the topping. In a medium sized pot mix the vanilla extract, coconut oil, honey, and maple syrup.
Bring these ingredients to a boil, and let simmer for 5 minutes. You will need to constantly stir this. Don't worry if everything doesn't mix perfectly, the milk will help everything combine.
Remove the ingredients from the heat, and let cool to room temperature. Keep a close eye on it, and keep stirring. If it cools to fast it will be tough to work with. You will have to reheat it to combine it with the pecans.
While that is cooling, toast the pecans in a small sauce pan. Heat them at medium high heat until you can smell that they are toasted. Once toasted to your liking top them with a dash of salt. They cook quickly so keep stirring so that you don't burn them. Unless you like burnt. Totally your call.
In a small bowl mix together the milk, tapioca starch, and flaxseed meal. Let them sit for a couple minutes.
When the vanilla extract, coconut oil, honey, and maple syrup have cooled, add the milk mixture. Whisk all ingredients until they are combined.
Once ingredients are combined, mix in the pecans. Once all ingredients are combined pour over your crust. Distribute the mixture evenly.
Put back in the oven and back at 350 degrees for 20 minutes or until the topping begins to lose its shine and set.

Once finished, set in the fridge for an hour before serving.

Once they are cool pull out and cut them up on a chopping board. We just cut them in to chunks and let everyone fend for themselves.

They turned out quite well!


You can always find me on my Beachbody website or Pinterest!

Caprese Bites! 21 Day Fix Approved!

Lets bring it back to the basics people.. Caprese bites! They are as simple as they look. Not only are they simple, but they are delicious and nutritious. These bad boys are 21 Day Fix approved! These are a great appetizer for people to grab and go. There is no mess, no fuss, and minimal clean up. The hardest part about this appetizer?? Cutting the cheese. No pun intended..

I may or may not be obsessed with basil. When I grow it, I can't grow it fast enough. When I use it, I use it in bulk. I love pesto, and have made a couple batches of it. The stuff I get at the store goes bad so fast, that by the time I go to use it, it is already bad. I will have to get to work on a little potter for the winter... Can't be to hard right??

I am always looking for waistline friendly, easy, low maintenance appetizers that satisfy the majority of peoples palates. This is one of my new favorites.

Caprese Bites:
Cherry Tomatoes
Mozzarella Cheese
Basil Leaves
Balsamic Rice Vinegar (Or whatever balsamic you prefer)
Toothpicks or Skewers

Simply cut the cheese to your size preference, and load up your skewers. I didn't put amounts, as you can make as many or as few as you would like. I set the balsamic on the side of the dish. That worked best for me. I didn't know when people would want to eat them, and didn't want any of the ingredients to get soggy. The balsamic is a nice little kicker. I am a sauce lover, so this was my fix approved replacement.


-Motivated Mommy Clayton

You can always find me at my Beachbody website or on Pinterest!